155 research outputs found

    Towards an integrated perspective on fleet asset management: engineering and governance considerations

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    The traditional engineering perspective on asset management concentrates on the operational performance the assets. This perspective aims at managing assets through their life-cycle, from technical specification, to acquisition, operation including maintenance, and disposal. However, the engineering perspective often takes for granted organizational-level factors. For example, a focus on performance at the asset level may lead to ignore performance measures at the business unit level. The governance perspective on asset management usually concentrates on organizational factors, and measures performance in financial terms. In doing so, the governance perspective tends to ignore the engineering considerations required for optimal asset performance. These two perspectives often take each other for granted. However experience demonstrates that an exclusive focus on one or the other may lead to sub-optimal performance. For example, the two perspectives have different time frames: engineering considers the long term asset life-cycle whereas the organizational time frame is based on a yearly financial calendar. Asset fleets provide a relevant and important context to investigate the interaction between engineering and governance views on asset management as fleets have distributed system characteristics. In this project we investigate how engineering and governance perspectives can be reconciled and integrated to enable optimal asset and organizational performance in the context of asset fleets

    Brandtekniskt Riskvärdering Bråhögshallen

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    This report is a fire safety assessment of Bråhögshallen, a multi-sport facility located in Staffanstorp in the south of Sweden. The building consists of one larger and one smaller sports hall, a bowling alley and other smaller facilities used for a variety of different sports. Bråhögshallen was built in 1969, and the regulations regarding fire safety has since changed. The assessments in this report are based on current legislations and recommendations. In the evaluation of the fire safety it is only the occupant safety that is being considered. A risk analysis has been performed to determine the fire scenarios which represents the worst credible cases. This evaluation resulted in three scenarios; one in a storage on the stand in the large hall, one in a storage in the small hall and one in the kitchen in the bowling alley. Computer simulation, calculations and qualitative reasoning lies behind the quantification of available time and time to evacuation. Some of the considered factors regarding safe evacuation during fire exceeds the requirements presented in this report. Therefore a series of suggested measures is proposed to improve the evacuation conditions


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    Di Indonesia khususnya diwilayah Tuban, Jawa Timur mempunyai salah satu daerah potensipenghasil minyak. Karena di Tuban terdapat blok yang telah disurvei sebelumnya mempunyaikapasitas sumber daya alam yang baik khususnya minyak dan gas bumi. JOB Pertamina PetrochinaEast Java (JOB-PPEJ) merupakan salah satu perusahaan jointventure yangbergerak dalam bidang industri perminyakan di Indonesia yang telah melakukanpengeksplorasian di wilayah Tuban in!. Keeepatan, ketepatan dan efektifitas sangat mutlakdiperlukan untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan tersebut. Mengingat informasi yangdigunakan eenderung bersifat manual (kertas). Dengan menggunakan teknologi informasiyang berbasis web dalam pengolahan informasi JOB-PPEJ, dalam penelitian ini penulismencoba untuk membuat suatu slstem manajemen dalam kemudahan akses informasi di JOBPertamina· Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ).Kata Kuncipengguna.Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Diagram kasus penggunaan, An/ar muk

    Cost-benefit analysis of climate change induced extreme events as part of public decision making : Final project report of IRTORISKI

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    IRTORISKI-hankkeessa tutkittiin, miten kustannus–hyötyanalyysin käyttöä ilmastonmuutoksen sopeutumissuunnittelussa voitaisiin helpottaa niin, että sitä pystyttäisiin hyödyntämään kustannustehokkaasti sekä ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvien vaarojen priorisoinnissa että ennaltaehkäisevien toimenpiteiden vertailussa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin esimerkkitapauksina jokitulvaa ja rankkasateiden aiheuttamaa tulvaa kaupunkiolosuhteissa. Tapahtumapuuanalyysia laajennettiin siten, että siitä käyvät ilmi sekä suorat vahingot että lopulliset makrotaloudelliset vaikutukset. Arviot suorista taloudellisista vahingoista perustuivat aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, kun taas makrotaloudellisia vaikutuksia simuloitiin yleisen tasapainon mallin avulla. Tapaustutkimusten valinnasta, tapahtumapuun käytöstä, sen laajennusosasta sekä lasketuista makrotaloudellisista vaikutuksista keskusteltiin sidosryhmien edustajien kanssa kolmessa asiantuntijaistunnossa.The study IRTORISKI investigates how the use of cost benefit analysis in climate change adaptation planning can be streamlined such as to be useful both for initial prioritisation of natural hazards according to their risk and for initial comparison of measures regarding a particular hazard, while avoiding complex model exercises. The study uses examples cases for urban flooding caused by river flooding and extreme downpours respectively. Event tree analysis is extended such as to show both direct damage cost and eventual macroeconomic impacts. Direct damage estimates were based on earlier studies, while the macroeconomic impacts were simulated by means of a CGE model. Case selection, event tree use and extension, and calculated impacts were discussed with stakeholder representatives in three deliberative sessions

    Fatigue analysis for fleet management using Bayesian Networks

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